Garden Fencing Article 2

Garden Fence Design continued

Continuing from last weeks Fencing article here are a few more designs of Garden Fencing products that will be available throughout the coming year.


Madrid Fencing Panel                                                    Madrid Fencing panels after 2 years


The Madrid fencing Panel is a V-shaped chevron style fence panel that hosts an arched top to give it a more decorative design. The slats are planed and rounded with a brushed effect , they are also offset which allows high winds to pass through the panel reducing the chance of damage. These panels are fully stainless steel screwed throughout. This particular style of fencing panels tends to be slightly more durable than the majority of its European counterparts as it has no trellis also offering greater privacy. 


STRENGTH                                     7 out of 10

ESTHETICS                                  10 out of 10

PRICE / VALUE                                7 out of 10    

PRIVACY                                          9 out of 10

FLEXIBILITY                                     5 out of 10

EASE OF INSTALLATION                9 out of 10


Jasmin Fence Panel



The Jasmin or flower panel as it is some times called is our most intricate and decorative fence panel. As with the vast majority of European design fencing panels it hosts a number unique characteristics and benefits. So what makes these panels different

  • The boards are offset to allow the wind through.
  • stainless steel screwed throughout. 
  • Planed rounded edged tanalised timber.                                                                                                     However it needs to be noted that this panel comes at a price, due to its unique design it works out more expensive than the majority of fence panels within this range.


STRENGTH                                     7 out of 10

ESTHETICS                                  10 out of 10

PRICE / VALUE                                5 out of 10    

PRIVACY                                          7 out of 10

FLEXIBILITY                                     5 out of 10

EASE OF INSTALLATION                9 out of 10


Europa Panel


Wooden FencingWooden Fencing

The Europas Panel is our most cost effective European fencing Panel. Manufactured using the same attention to detail as the other panels in the range the Europas offer a simple panel at a more affordable price. Due to the nature of the design they are also offer a higher degree of privacy.


STRENGTH                                      7 out of 10

ESTHETICS                                     8 out of 10

PRICE / VALUE                                9 out of 10    

PRIVACY                                          9 out of 10

FLEXIBILITY                                    7 out of 10

EASE OF INSTALLATION               9 out of 10


Next weeks article will be based around a new range of maintenance free fencing Panels that we have recently installed.

For any further information on any of our fencing Panel ranges feel free to give us a call on Swansea ( 01792 ) 884828 or alternatively call down to our Fencing panel design Centre in Pontardulais Swansea where we will be more than happy to assist.