Redwood Decking Installation Guide: DIY vs Professional, Costs & Tips

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Redwood Decking Swansea - DG Heath

Key Takeaways

  • Redwood is a top-tier decking material known for its durability and beauty.
  • DIY installation can save costs but requires time, tools, and a certain skill level.
  • Professional installation ensures expertise and saves time but comes at a higher price.
  • Understanding the costs and steps involved is crucial for a successful deck installation.
  • Maintenance is key to preserving the life and appearance of your redwood deck.

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Why Choose Redwood for Your UK Deck

When it comes to decking, redwood stands out for a few reasons. It's not just about its stunning natural look; it's about how it holds up over time. Here's why redwood could be the right choice for your outdoor space:

  • Strength: Redwood is known for its resilience and ability to withstand the elements, making it perfect for the UK's varied weather.
  • Aesthetics: The rich tones of redwood bring warmth and a natural elegance to any garden.
  • Longevity: With proper care, redwood decks can last for decades, offering a great return on investment.

Most importantly, redwood has a natural resistance to decay and pests, which is essential for outdoor applications. Because of these qualities, it's a material that not only looks good but also lasts longer, meaning fewer replacements down the line.

The Appeal of Redwood: Durability Meets Aesthetics

Imagine stepping out onto a deck that's both sturdy underfoot and a feast for the eyes. That's the appeal of redwood. It's a material that can handle the foot traffic of a bustling family barbecue as easily as it provides the backdrop for a quiet morning coffee. And, as it ages, it develops a coveted silvery patina that many homeowners adore.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Redwood vs Other Decking Materials

When comparing redwood to other decking materials, it's important to consider both the initial cost and the long-term value:


Initial Cost





20-30 years




25-30 years

Very Low



10-15 years


While redwood might have a higher upfront cost compared to softwoods, its longevity and lower maintenance needs can make it more cost-effective in the long run. This makes it an investment that pays off over time, rather than an expense that keeps coming back to bite you.

Step-by-Step DIY Installation

Feeling handy? If you're leaning towards installing your redwood deck yourself, here's a snapshot of the steps you'll take:

Preparing the Foundation: Groundwork and Framing

Before you lay a single board, you need a solid foundation. This means clearing the area, ensuring the ground is level, and setting up the frame that will support your deck. Here's what to do:

  • Clear and level the area where your deck will go, removing any vegetation and obstacles.
  • Lay a weed barrier if needed, to prevent growth under the deck.
  • Set concrete piers or posts in the ground that will hold up the frame, making sure they're level and secure.
  • Construct the frame using pressure-treated timber for longevity.

This foundation work is critical because it ensures the stability and durability of your deck. Take your time, double-check your measurements, and make sure everything is level. A solid foundation means a solid deck.

Laying the Deck Boards: Techniques for a Smooth Surface

Once your frame is ready, it's time to lay down those beautiful redwood boards. Here's how to get that smooth, professional-looking surface:

  • Start by laying the boards perpendicular to the joists, ensuring they're straight and well-aligned.
  • Leave a small gap between each board for water drainage and expansion. A simple spacer tool can help maintain consistent spacing.
  • Secure the boards with decking screws, pre-drilling holes to prevent splitting.

Remember, the way you lay the boards will impact the final look of your deck, so take your time to get it right. The gaps you leave are important too – they help prevent water from pooling and protect the wood from warping.

Finishing Touches: Sanding, Sealing, and Staining

Now that your deck is assembled, it's time for the finishing touches. Sanding the surface smooths out any rough spots while sealing and staining protect the wood and enhance its natural beauty. Here's what to do:

  • Lightly sand the surface to remove any splinters or rough patches.
  • Clean the deck thoroughly to remove sawdust and debris.
  • Apply a high-quality deck sealant to protect against moisture and UV rays.
  • Once the sealant is dry, stain the deck if desired, choosing a colour that complements your home and garden.

These steps not only make your deck look great but also extend its life by protecting it from the elements. And the good news is, redwood requires less maintenance than many other woods, so you won't have to repeat this process too often.

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When to Call in the Professionals

DIY can be rewarding, but sometimes it's best to call in the professionals, especially if your deck design is complex or you're not confident in your skills. Professionals can handle everything from permits to precision cuts, ensuring your deck is safe and up to code.

The Complexity of Deck Design: When Expertise is Necessary

If your deck plans include multiple levels, built-in seating, or intricate patterns, it might be time to call in the experts. Complex designs often require advanced skills and tools that not all DIYers have. Plus, an experienced deck builder can spot potential issues before they become big problems.

Finding a Trusted Decking Installer

Finding the right professional for the job is crucial. Look for installers with:

  • Good reviews and a strong portfolio of previous work.
  • Experience specifically with redwood decking.
  • Transparent pricing and a clear timeline for the project.

Don't be afraid to ask for references and check them. A trustworthy professional will be proud to show off their work and connect you with satisfied customers.

Cost Comparison: DIY or Hire a Pro?

Let's talk numbers. DIY installation can save on labour costs, but don't forget to factor in the price of tools and materials. On the other hand, professionals bring their tools and often get materials at a discount, but they charge for their expertise.

Material Expenses: What You’ll Need

For a DIY redwood deck, you'll need:

  • Redwood decking boards
  • Pressure-treated timber for the frame
  • Decking screws and hardware
  • Tools like a saw, drill, and sander
  • Sealant and stain

Make sure to budget for all these items. It's also wise to include a little extra for unexpected costs that might pop up.

Labour Costs: The Price of Professional Installation

If you decide to hire a professional, labor costs will vary depending on:

  • The complexity of your deck design
  • The size of your deck
  • The installer's experience and reputation

Get multiple quotes to ensure you're getting a fair price, and remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best.

Making the Right Choice for Your Home

When you're considering a redwood deck, it's essential to weigh your DIY skills against the complexity of the installation. A straightforward, small deck might be manageable for a weekend warrior, but larger, more complex designs often warrant professional help.

Evaluating Your DIY Skills vs. Installation Complexity

Ask yourself a few questions before deciding to DIY:

  • Do I have the necessary tools and know how to use them safely?
  • Can I dedicate enough time to complete the project?
  • Am I familiar with local building codes and permit requirements?

If you're hesitating on any of these points, it might be best to consult a professional. There's no shame in ensuring your deck is built safely and to a high standard.

Time Investment: Is DIY Worth Your Time?

DIY projects can be rewarding, but they also require a significant time investment. If your time is limited, or you'd prefer to spend it on other activities, hiring a professional could be the more efficient choice. Besides that, professionals can complete the job faster due to their experience and dedicated time.

Ensuring Deck Durability and Safety

Whether you DIY or go pro, the durability and safety of your deck are paramount. Here's how to ensure your deck stands the test of time:

Best Practices for a Long-Lasting Deck

To maximize the lifespan of your redwood deck:

  • Choose high-quality redwood boards with minimal knots and defects.
  • Use corrosion-resistant hardware to prevent rust and deterioration.
  • Regularly clean and inspect your deck for signs of wear or damage.

Safety Standards for Deck Construction

Safety is non-negotiable. Make sure your deck:

  • Complies with UK building codes and regulations.
  • Has sturdy railings and balustrades if elevated.
  • Features non-slip surfaces, especially important in the UK's wet climate.

Decking Maintenance and Aftercare

Maintenance is crucial for keeping your redwood deck in top condition. Regular care will help prevent decay, maintain its beauty, and ensure it remains a safe place for you and your family to enjoy.

Routine Cleaning Schedule for Redwood Decks

Keep your deck looking its best with a routine cleaning schedule:

  • Sweep the deck regularly to remove debris.
  • Clean with a mild soap and water solution or a deck cleaner once a year.
  • Inspect for and remove any mildew or mould spots promptly.

Yearly Inspection and Maintenance Tips

Once a year, give your deck a thorough inspection:

  • Check for loose boards or protruding nails and fix them.
  • Look for signs of rot or insect damage.
  • Reapply sealant or stain as needed to protect the wood from the elements.

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Learn More

For those of you looking to dive deeper into redwood decking, there's a wealth of resources available. From in-depth guides on selecting the right redwood to workshops that can elevate your DIY skills, taking the time to learn more can make all the difference in your decking project.

In-Depth Guides on Redwood Decking Choices

Choosing the right redwood for your deck is critical. Look for guides that cover:

  • The different grades of redwood and what they mean for your project.
  • The environmental impact of your redwood choice and sustainable options.
  • How to source the best quality redwood in the UK.

Learn More about making the best redwood decking choices for your home.

Workshops for Aspiring DIY Deck Builders

If you're considering the DIY route, attending a workshop can be invaluable. You'll gain:

  • Hands-on experience with tools and materials.
  • Insight into the latest decking techniques and trends.
  • Confidence to tackle your decking project head-on.

Check out local workshops and courses that can take your DIY skills to the next level.


How Does Weather in the UK Affect Redwood Decks?

The UK's weather can be a challenge for any outdoor structure. Redwood, however, is naturally resistant to moisture and decay, making it a suitable choice for the region's wet climate. Regular maintenance like sealing can further protect it from the elements.

What is the Lifespan of a Redwood Deck?

With proper installation and care, a redwood deck can last between 20 to 30 years. This lifespan can be extended with routine cleaning and timely resealing or staining.

Are There Any Specific Building Codes for Decking in the UK?

Yes, the UK has building regulations that cover decking. These include specifications for load-bearing capacity, railing height, and spacing between boards. Always check local codes before starting your project.

Can Redwood Decking Be Eco-Friendly?

Redwood decking can be an eco-friendly option if sourced responsibly. Look for redwood that is certified by environmental organizations, ensuring that it comes from sustainably managed forests.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Hidden Fasteners for Decking?

Hidden fasteners create a clean, seamless deck surface, but they can be more difficult to install and may cost more than traditional fastening methods. Weigh the aesthetic benefits against the potential extra cost and effort.

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